We have accounts with a number of suppliers in the trophy trade.

We can order from a huge range of medals, shield, cups and more. 

From just a few pounds to quality silver. 

 We have these lovely quality Nickel Plate trophies in stock.


15cm £24.50 - 1 in stock at

our offer price of £18.50

16cm £27.50 - 1 in stock at

at our offer price of £21.50

17.5cm RRP £14.95

 £12.95  SOLD

17cm £35 - 1 in stock at

our offer price of £29.00

19.5cm £47.50 - Please ask

about current availability.

22cm £57.50 - Please ask

about current availability.

10cm RRP £4.99 - Last one

left £3.99

25cm £77.50 - Please ask

about current availability.

28cm £105 - Please ask

about current availability.

31cm £120 - Please ask

about current availability. 

10 cm Triumph Wood



33cm £135 - 1 in stock at

our offer price of £120

36cm £165 - 1 in stock at

our offer price of £145

43cm £225 - 1 in stock at

our offer price of £190

11cm Mega Star Plastic



End of Line               Jade Tinted Glass Trophies

with metal engraving plate                 

Only 1 Left of Each

21.5cm Recognition Cast Cup on Marble Base


Football - height 12 cm £8.95  Sale Price £5.95 last one left

Netball - height 12 cm £8.95                             

Sale Price £5.95 last one left

Lawn Bowls - height 14 cm £9.95                     

Sale Price £6.95 last one left

Squash - height 14 cm £9.95                                   

Sale Price £6.95 last one left

Rugby - height 16 cm £10.95                     

Sale Price £7.95 last one left

Fishing - height 12 cm £8.95                             

Sale Price £5.95 last one left

Pool - height 14 cm £9.95                                       

Sale Price £6.95 last one left

Ten Pin Bowling - height 14 cm £9.95                  

Sale Price £6.95 last one left

Tennis - height 16 cm £10.95                               

Sale Price £7.95 last one left

Darts - height 12 cm £8.95                       

Sale Price £5.95 last one left

Snooker - height 14 cm £9.95                  

Sale Price £6.95 last one left

Basketbsall - height 16 cm £10.95                  

Sale Price £7.95 last one left